2012-02-24 13:29:57 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink





在家庭裝修論壇中很好地使用了“正交” :)
五 答案:
2012-02-24 16:07:37 UTC
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Fiasco Labs
2013-09-03 19:31:04 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

You have the basics down pat.

The key to getting the threads working properly is:

  1. Squaring off the thread end of the bolt. Yes, the hacksaw blade will follow the threads slightly. If you have a bandsaw with a stock holding vise that can be squared to the blade, run a single nut on so the hexes will hold the bolt in place as straight to the blade as possible. Otherwise its finish work with an 10 to 12 inch mill file with proper handle and a vise. The larger file gives you control.

  2. Adding the chamfer on the thread which you use either a file and vise or gentle grinder work to produce as evenly around the bolt circumference as possible. You want it as flat and minimal as possible to maintain the thread and to follow the thread angle which is 30 degrees (half of the 60 degree included thread angle).

  3. The missing element is the thread cleanup. Threads are cut with a 60 degree angle. A standard 60 degree triangular file is perfect. You will need a rather small one that easily fits as close to the root of the thread as possible, use it to get rid of the burr that formed when you chamfered the end of the bolt off and cut a slight lead in which removes anything that departs from the proper thread angle. The thread should exit into the chamfer looking as much like a 60 degree cut thread as possible.

Improper thread cleanup is where you get the problems with starting nuts on the bolt. If it looks like half a thread coming off the end of the bolt, it will either be bent partially over, or easily deform in use so the nut cannot start properly or galls with the weak thread and jams. Either leads to cross-threading and misery.

Done more than my share during my early mechanic career working with old farm equipment where proper length bolts aren't always available. Once you get the image in your head of what a proper bolt looks like for thread lead-in, it goes rather quickly.

2012-02-24 22:16:56 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink



2013-09-03 18:18:00 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I use four nuts to cut the bolt at the proper length. Two nuts on each side of the cut - one locks the other nut in place so your blade has a secure groove to cut the bolt. I also use flanged nuts on the inside facing each other to provide a better guide for the saw blade.

2012-03-24 03:46:19 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink


歡迎來到林先生的網站。我正在將答案更新為答案的形式,我們在這裡不利於危險。 :)

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。