2013-08-22 15:32:57 UTC
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  1. this的圖表建議美國家庭需要了解不止一種類型的電源插座。像下面這樣的圖更令人生畏。顯然,美國的家庭通常只有其中的少數幾個,大概1-15和5-15類型構成了家庭中大多數網點。但是可能還會遇到其他人嗎? enter image description here

  2. 此站點上有很多問題在我的祖國不會出現。列出美國家庭用電安排的共同特徵可以幫助閱讀此站點的人們了解哪些答案適用於美國,但可能不適用於其他國家。

  3. ol>



相關的Wikipedia 文章沒有


@BMitch“ 220v插座”在任何地方都沒有使用。 240V插座用於提供乾衣機和火爐。
五 答案:
2013-08-22 17:42:55 UTC
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To answer all the issues you raise would require a book on US electrical wiring. Or several. And a copy of the Code.

The vast majority of outlets in residences in the US are attached to branch circuits that are rated at 15 Amps and 120 Volts. Current practice and code calls for outlets like these


This version is tamperproof, required in many jurisdictions. The non-tamperproof look similar, but the slots do not have internal baffles

You may see different styles, such as Decora, or decorator style, which are functionally identical to basic outlets, but have a rectangular face

decora outlet

20 Amp circuits generally require slightly different outlets (if you are going to draw the full 20 Amps or there is only one outlet on the line) like these

20a outlet

But you can also find the lower 15 Amp outlets on circuits that are properly wired for 20 amps. Obviously 15 Amp outlets are limited in use to 15 Amp appliances, even if they are on a 20 Amp line.

Certain locations, especially where there is a risk of moisture, such as bathrooms, require a ground fault interruper (GFI) type outlet

gfi outlet

These also come in tamper resistant and 20 Amp versions and vary like the basic outlets.

All of the above are grounded outlets, required in almost every jurisdiction for new construction and renovations. Some older installations may have ungrounded outlets.

ungrounded outlet

These generally cannot be used except as a direct replacement for an existing one, and even then setting up a properly grounded outlet is preferred and may be required.

All of the 120 Volt outlets require a hot wire (usually black or red) and a neutral wire (always white). Grounded outlets also require a ground wire (green or bare). Outlets can be always live or switched. Live outlets have the hot wire coming directly from circuit without interruption. Switched outlets have the hot wire going through one or more switches before reaching the outlet so that the power can be turned on or off.

All of the 15-20 amp outlets shown above are duplex, that is there are two receptacles for plugs on each. These almost always are bonded together by a strip of metal. When you wire to one, both are energized. This bonding strip can be broken off allowing each of the receptacles on the outlet to be powered separately. This is most often done to allow one receptacle to be always live and one to be switched. This also allows each receptacle to be on a separate branch circuit (for heavy power use).

Some residences use higher amperage outlets for large appliances, such as an electric stove or dryer, and the outlets vary base upon a number of factors. Examples can be seen in the chart linked in the question.

Similarly, some residences use 240 Volts for large appliances and wells, and the outlets also vary considerably, and can be seen on the linked chart.

This is a very brief summary of the type of outlets most commonly seen in US homes. The full range of outlet types and uses is beyond a simple summary. The range of possible switching and wiring configurations also is nearly infinite. But this site welcomes questions on any particular configuration or problem you may encounter, so ask away.

陳述“ 20安培電路需要稍微不同的插座”應改為“具有單個插座/插座的20安培電路需要20安培的插座”。您可以根據當前NEC要求在20安培的電路上安裝多個15安培的插座。
@bib重要的部分是15A插頭“適合” 20A插座。
@LorenPechtel絕對。而且大多數用戶無法區分15和20 Amp電路。
15A雙工插座要求額定總電流為20A。因此,雖然理論上一個插座的最大電流限制為15A,但整個雙工插座必須支持20A。實際上,它們甚至可以從一個插座支持20A電流。對於許多型號,“ T槽”觸點甚至可用於非“ T槽”插座……它們只是內部相同的金屬零件,只是前面板不同,允許或不允許20A插頭。
2013-08-22 18:24:02 UTC
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首先讓我們花點時間了解一下NEMA是什麼,以及它與插座和電線插頭產品的關係。 國家電氣製造商協會(NEMA)是創建電氣設備標準的標準組織。

每個標準都有一個與之關聯的編號,因此您可能會看到類似 NEMA 5 。這只是意味著,任何符合標準 5 的設備都將顯示標準中描述的特徵。

在處理插座和插頭時,您經常會看到類似的東西 NEMA 1-15 。破折號後的數字表示設備的最大額定電流。因此,在我們的示例中,該設備的額定電流為15安培。

在額定電流之後,您還可能會看到 R P 。這只是表示它是插座( R )還是插頭( P )(其中“ Plug ”表示實際設備位於末尾)。不要與插座本身混淆,通常被稱為“ 插座”,“ 插頭”或其他一些s語)


在較老的房屋中,接地導線通常不通向每個插座,因此NEMA 1設備很常見。 NEMA 1-15是最常見的。 NEMA 1設備的最大額定電壓為125伏,由兩個刀片(或插槽)組成,其中一個刀片比另一個刀片稍大。刀片/插槽較小的是未接地(熱)導體,而較大的是接地(中性)導體。

NEMA 1-15R
NEMA 1-15R sup>


在現代家庭中,每個插座都接地線,因此NEMA 5設備很常見。同樣,NEMA 5-15和5-20是最常見的設備。 NEMA 5設備的額定電壓也為125伏,由兩個刀片(或插槽)和一個插針(或孔)組成。刀片/插槽的佈置方式與NEMA 1設備相同,並且針腳/孔是接地導體(不要與接地導體混淆)。

NEMA 5-15R NEMA 5-20R NEMA 5-15R-NEMA 5-20R sup>


NEMA 6設備不是很常見儘管可以在提供弧焊機,壓縮機或其他類似應用的車庫中找到美國的住宅應用。這些設備由兩個未接地(熱)導體的刀片/插槽和一個作為接地導體的銷/孔組成。因此,這些設備的額定電壓為250伏,並且不能提供125伏的電壓。

NEMA 6-20R NEMA 6-30R
NEMA 6-20R-NEMA 6-30R sup>


在常見接地導體之前,NEMA 10設備已用於大型設備。 NEMA 10-30通常用於電動干衣機,而NEMA 10-50用於電動範圍。 NEMA 10設備的額定電壓為125/250伏,由3個刀片/插槽組成。兩個刀片/插槽;通常標記為 X Y 的導體是不接地的(熱)導體。第三個刀片/插槽是接地的(中性)導體,通常標記為 W

NEMA 10-30R NEMA 10-50R
NEMA 10- 30R-NEMA 10-50R sup>


當接地導體變得普遍時,NEMA 14設備取代了NEMA 10設備。這些設備的額定電壓也為125/250伏,並具有3個刀片/插槽,但是增加了用於接地的插針/孔。同樣,它們有兩個未接地(熱)導體的刀片/插槽( X Y ),一個刀片/插槽是接地(中性)導體( W )和作為接地導體的引腳/孔( GND )。

NEMA 10和NEMA 14器件能夠提供125伏電壓,並且250伏這是由於電力在美國的普遍分配方式所致。

NEMA 14-30R NEMA 14-50R
NEMA 14-30R-NEMA 14-50R sup>



120 / 240V

在分相繫統中,電力以高壓從發電設備傳輸到本地配電站。使用降壓變壓器將高壓電降壓至〜240伏。變壓器在次級繞組上有一個中心抽頭(這就是為什麼它被稱為“ split-phase ”)的原因,它允許提供120伏的電壓。為家庭供電的電纜將由3條導線組成。兩根未接地的(熱)導體,它們之間的電壓為240伏。還有一根接地的(中性)導體,它與任一根未接地的導體之間的電位均為120伏。

120/240V transformer configuration

208Y / 120

在3-pahse系統中,將為建築物提供4條導線。三個不接地(熱)的導體,它們與任何其他不接地的導體之間的電勢均為208伏。一個接地的(中性)導體,與任何未接地的導體之間具有120伏的電勢。每個未接地的導體與任何其他未接地的導體異相120°,這就是為什麼它被稱為“ 三相”系統的原因。在美國,這是一種不常見的住宅分佈形式,但可以在某些地方找到(在農村地區更為常見)。


2013-08-22 20:39:06 UTC
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You should probably ask for advice from the salesperson at the store if you are buying a major appliance, and maybe take a picture of your house's actual outlet. Houses built before 1996 use (generally) the 10-30 and 10-50 type for dryers and ovens respectively, whereas houses built after 1996 use 14-30 and 14-50. I believe some microwaves and refrigerators require a 20 amp circuit, which would use a 5-20 type plug. And of course the most common type of outlet is a 5-15, which @bib provided many pictures of in his answer, and is what Americans think of when they think of an ordinary electrical outlet.

Other than that, most of the types of plugs you see in the diagrams you linked are mainly relevant for industrial usage.

The reason a 4-prong plug is needed for ovens and dryers is because the 240V circuits used for dryers and ovens actually have opposite phases of 120V on each of the two hot pins (to get 240 across them) rather than 240V from a single hot pin to neutral, and the ground wire was used as a neutral in older appliances requiring 120V for some components (or maybe it's more accurate to say it's a neutral and was used as a ground). See split-phase.

So, the key thing to find out when buying a house is if it was built before 1996, and if so if it has been rewired to the new standard. If the house was built before 1974, it may also have two-prong 120V outlets (NEMA 1-15). If it was built in the 1970s or earlier, you should probably also find out if it has aluminum wiring, though wiring is technically outside the scope of your question.

“接地引腳從未被用作中性線。”-僅當10-30 / 10-50的單個非熱引腳不是“接地引腳”時,這才是正確的。我發現的每個消息來源都說該引腳既用作中性線又用作接地。我對分相的描述到底讓我感到困惑?
由於沒有接地導體,所以零線只是零線。您可能會混淆“接地”導體(中性線)和“接地”導體。 “ *用於烘乾機和烤箱的240V電路實際上在兩個熱插針上具有相反的120V相位,而不是從單個熱插針到中性點的240V反相*”?
您只是引用了我對分裂相的解釋,但沒有解釋它為什麼有問題的原因(這與地面與中立事物是分開的)。你到底是什麼問題? X與X的相位相反,X的電壓為120V,Y的電壓為120V。與歐洲的240V電路相反,該電路具有240V的單電壓和零線。
@Tester101在0V時只有一根導體,但是通常將設備的金屬底盤連接到該金屬底盤,因此它被用於接地,與NEMA 1-15插頭的中性線不同。您選擇的稱呼是學術性的。
X相對於Y為240V,X相對於W為120V,Y相對於W為120V。即,如果您在`X`和`Y`之間進行測量,則讀數為240V。如果您在“ X”或“ Y”與“ W”之間進行測量,則讀數為120V。接地(中性)導體是載流導體,並且與接地導體(不是載流導體)“不一樣”。如果設備的機箱連接到接地(中性)導體,則該機箱將成為載流導體。
我所說的話如何暗示其中的任何一個? W處於零電位,而X和Y處於相反相位的120。當X為+ 120V時,Y為-120V,反之亦然。將電壓繪製在圖形上,您將得到兩個正弦波,它們互為鏡像,並且W的直線為零。
兩個熱銷之間沒有120V的電壓(“ *兩個熱銷之間是120V *”)兩個熱銷之間的電壓為240V。之所以稱其為“分相”,是因為接地(中性線)會分相,這意味著您實際上從一個變壓器中獲得了三個電路。您擁有包括兩個熱點的整體240V電路,不需要零線。然後,您有兩個共享零線的120V電路。您的解釋方式令人困惑,並且可能導致某人期望在兩個熱點之間獲得120V。
這不是唯一的問題,這只是一個尷尬的解釋。 “ *烘乾機和烤箱實際上在兩個熱銷上都具有120V的反相*”。每個引腳具有不確定的電壓,但彼此之間為240伏。電壓僅存在於至少有兩個參考點的地方,單個參考點將具有不確定的電壓。來自[Wikipedia](http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage)“ ***電壓,電勢差或電張力**是兩點之間的電勢差... *”
1996年是代碼年,引入了更改,但是並非所有領域都立即採用了該代碼。因此,根據您的居住地,您可以購買1996年後建造的沒有接地插座的房屋。如果您只想知道何時更改了代碼,那麼恭喜您,您做得很好。但是,我仍然覺得您對120 / 240V電路的解釋令人困惑。但是,a,我只是互聯網世界上的一個人。因此,請考慮我的價值。
2013-08-22 21:03:37 UTC
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2014-02-07 01:46:09 UTC
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The digital museum of plugs and sockets

插頭和插座的數字博物館, http: //www.plugsocketmuseum.nl,您可以在其中找到當前的和歷史的套接字,足以使數小時的娛樂活動變得混亂。有關現代佈線的實用建議,請參見其他答案。

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。